TCI COVID-19 Vaccine Registration Site Goes Live





TCI COVID-19 Vaccine Registration Site Goes Live


Following the successful launch of the TCI’s COVID-19 vaccination program on Monday January 11th, 2021 where over 300 persons in the TCI have been vaccinated to date, including at risk high priority groups such as healthcare workers, elderly persons, frontline workers and those with chronic non communicable diseases, the Turks and Caicos Islands Government is pleased to announce the official launch of its COVID-19 Vaccine Registration site  to allow all residents in the TCI to register their interest in receiving the COVID-19 vaccine.


The Turks and Caicos Islands is currently administering the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine  which must be administered in two doses over a course of 21 days. In order to be eligible for registration, you must be a resident of the Turks and Caicos Islands.  


Priority will be given to persons over the age of 55; persons with Chronic Non-Communicable Diseases and persons that work in frontline positions.  However we encourage all residents of the Turks and Caicos to register their interest in being vaccinated as the aim is to vaccinate the large majority of our population that wish to be vaccinated.


Deputy Governor Anya Williams in explaining the registration portal said; “We express our thanks to our team in the Central Information Technology Unit assisted by our Public Health and Logistics Team, on the swift development and launch of our registration portal. The portal will be manned by our competent and professional staff in the Ministry of Health that have done an excellent job thus far in the roll out of the vaccine. The vaccine as a priority has thus far been primarily administered to our healthcare workers that have worked as our first line of defense in the fight against COVID-19 over the course of the last nine months.


Focus has and will continue to be placed on the priority age and at risk groups listed, but the registration process and receipt of the vaccine is open to all residents. We encourage persons that are still undecided, to research the credible sources found on our website as well as to consult your personal physician.  Engagement continues with the Private Medical Practitioners Association on the roll out of the vaccine, where training and other support is currently being provided. For persons with underlying conditions, allergies, or other medical concerns, there is a provision on the portal to allow private referrals from your personal physician following consultation.


I encourage all persons that can, to register on the website to be vaccinated. Appointments will commence the week of January 25th, 2021 and will be assigned based on priority. I have been vaccinated and you should too!”


Premier Sharlene Cartwright-Robinson lauding the success of the vaccination program thus far and encouraging additional persons to register said; “I am pleased with the response received thus far from those interested in being vaccinated. Whilst our focus remains on vaccinating our healthcare workers, vulnerables and other front line workers, we are happy to extend to those who are willing to be vaccinated. This website will aid us in the orderly registration of interested persons. We will also be looking to put additional measures to ensure there are no barriers to accessing information. 


We as a country have been blessed with this great opportunity and it is important that we do not squander what others long for. Our country has always done well in our vaccination programs in an effort to promote individual and general health. We  need to do continue this practise to regain greater control of our lives and country, as we learn to co-exist with this virus.”


Governor Nigel Dakin commenting on the TCI’s Vaccination Strategy, the launch of the registration portal and the need for persons to consider taking the vaccine said; “Our aim is that every person in TCI should have the opportunity to be vaccinated. We want TCI to be the safest as well as the most beautiful place in the world. We will not be able to secure more vaccine from the UK unless we can demonstrate we can quickly and judiciously distribute that which we already have at our disposal, so please don’t watch and wait. I’d urge anyone who wants to be vaccinated to register now.  


We will prioritise based on need but once we have taken the vaccine from the freezer we intend to use every ounce of it to safeguard these islands so even those who are not in priority groups may be able to take the vaccine – and safeguard themselves, their families and their community – in the next month. We have an amazing opportunity TCI, let’s not miss our chance to be a world leader!”