Introduction of External Pre-Triage Area at TCI Hospital



Introduction of External Pre-Triage Area at TCI Hospital


Effective March 24th 2020, the Turks and Caicos Islands Hospital will activate an expandable pre-triage area near the entrance of each emergency department based on an Infection Prevention and Control risk assessment process.


All patients accessing the emergency department at Cheshire Hall Medical Centre and Cockburn Town Medical Centre are required to report to the external pre-triage area for screening and sorting based on their presenting complaints prior to entering the emergency department.


The priority of the emergency department is to ensure early detection of infectious patients who may be unknowingly transmitting COVID-19 and commence immediate source control prior to entering the facility thereby further reducing the risk of disease transmission within the department. The objective of the department is also to provide immediate activation of the COVID-19 response team as needed, and a pre-identified space for isolation away from the department.


If you experience any symptoms of COVID-19 such a coughing, fever or shortness of breath, persons are advised to contact their family physicians and the Ministry of Health Hotlines via 649-333-0911 or 649-232-9444 immediately for guidance on the next steps.

It is crucial to call ahead as special precautionary preparations are required for the controlled transport and receipt of patients with symptoms similar to COVID-19 for both ambulance and hospital-based response teams.


The Ministry of Health supports these prudent and necessary measures and wish to assure the public that the decision for the process being implemented is in the best interest of patient care. The Ministry of Health will continue to work with TCI Hospital to ensure the best possible healthcare outcomes for all patients seeking care at this time as we fight to reduce the risk and potential spread of COVID-19.