Deputy Governor SalutesAll COVID-19 Essential Services Staff

Deputy Governor Salutes All COVID-19 Essential Services Staff


As we continue our COVID-19 - 21 Day Curfew in the Turks and Caicos Islands, I commend all residents for your overwhelming support and adherence to the guidance issued by Government and Health Officials.


This is an unprecedented time in our country’s history; one that calls for strict measures to protect and prevent the loss of life, and we thank you for your support.


As the Deputy Governor and Head of the Public Service of the Turks and Caicos Islands, I take this opportunity on behalf of the Government and people of these Islands to salute and say thank you to our public service essential services staff that continue during this period to deliver key services on our behalf.


First and foremost, I express our thanks and appreciation to our healthcare workers; those manning our hotlines providing advice and guidance to persons reporting symptoms; the doctors and nurses working in our clinics and hospitals to provide critical care to persons in need; the technicians in our laboratories collecting samples for testing; our Epidemiologist that compile daily statistics to feed to our joint Communications Team that works everyday to provide updates to the public.  Our Environmental and Public Health teams; our Permanent Secretary, Deputy Secretary and Director of Health Services who provide daily advice and guidance to policy makers, and our DDME, National Security and Senior Management staff that provide critical support to our Senior Leadership Team.  To all of you, your contribution, dedication and sacrifice is greatly appreciated. 


As is the work of our Royal Turks and Caicos Islands Police Force, now supported by Immigration and DECR officials that continue to work to keep us safe.  Our Radar, Immigration and Maritime Officers that continue to man our borders.  Our Customs and Port Officers that continue to facilitate the clearance of goods shipped into the islands. Our Prison Officers that continue to report for duty at Her Majesty’s Prison.  Our Teachers that continue to educate beyond the classroom.  Our Water Service Department that continues to deliver key services to the public.  Our Attorney General and staff that continue to draft key pieces of legislation, and our Treasury, Budget, Procurement, IT and Finance staff that continue to work on our financial year end procedures, while staff across all other sectors of Government continue to be engaged from their homes in making sure that essential Government services across the entire country continue to run smoothly.


Being a public servant is not always easy, but at challenging times I can truly say that the public service has always been heavily relied upon, and it is at times such as these when I am both proud and thankful to lead such a dynamic, hardworking and committed group of people that demonstrate such a strong level of devotion and duty to country.


I salute as well private sector staff in our supermarkets, gas stations, pharmacies, telecommunications, electricity, water company and banks that are also performing vital services at this time.


You have all truly epitomized the notion of service before self and for this we salute and say Thank You!


There are no boundaries in the work that is set out before us, as it requires the full support and cooperation of us all.


While our essential services staff work their best and hardest to keep us safe and healthy, we ask that you each continue to do your part by respecting and adhering to the guidance that has been provided, as it is the only way that we can minimize the risk to staff that continue to work on all of our behalf and is the best way to show care and appreciation for the important roles that they are playing.


Our success will be determined by how best we all work together to accomplish the goal at hand, so let's all do our part!


May God continue to bless, guide and keep you and your families in this Turks and Caicos Islands at this challenging time!


Together We Can!!


Deputy Governor and Head of the Public Service

Her Excellency Anya Williams