Theme: Nurses and midwives: Leading the way to Universal Health


April 7th, is celebrated globally as World Health Day. On this day awareness is given to the promotion of information about the importance of health to human beings. This year World Health Day presents an opportunity to focus on Nurses and Midwives and their role in the fight against COVID-19. The Turks and Caicos Islands Ministry of Health, Agriculture, Sports and Human Services is pleased to join the rest of the world in acknowledging the contribution of our nurses and midwives to the continued development of health care in our country.


2020 was declared “the International Year of the Nurse and Midwife” by the 72nd World Health Assembly, following an official proposal from the Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO), Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. The Director-General spoke of nurses as “the ‘bridge’ of healthcare, a crucial link between the people of the community and the complex healthcare system”. The efforts of nurses in the fight against COVID-19 demonstrates to the world that this statement is indeed true for without nurses, there would be no response.


From the commencement of the COVID-19 pandemic, our nurses and other health care workers have been on the front line of the response, protecting our country by:

  • conducting screenings at the airport;
  • conducting contract tracing and follow up of persons in quarantine;
  • conducting trainings for frontline workers in health and other agencies;
  • leading community dialogue to address fears and providing opportunities for persons in the community to ask questions as well as sharing key information on protective measures;
  • visiting schools and other institutions distributing health information on ways to remain healthy during this pandemic;
  • caring for those who unfortunately have become severely impacted by this disease both in the communities and the hospital;


At the same time, nurses continue to provide for the health care needs of persons with chronic non-communicable diseases and other illnesses in the community. The primary health care clinics on every island remain operational even with the reality of confirmed COVID-19 cases in country in order to provide essential services to communities. Their professional dedication and commitment to the people of our country is worthy of note.


In his statement, the Honorable Minster of Health Mr. Edwin Astwood, lauds the dedication of nurses and midwives across the Turks and Caicos Islands especially in the face of COVID-19. He said, “I wish to thank our health care workers for the resilience they continue to display as they ensure that the needs of the most vulnerable among us are met by giving service above self. On this World Health Day, I offer my profound thanks to these brave individuals and pray that God will protect and keep them as they continue to deliver exceptional services in the area of healthcare.”


Mrs. Jackurlyn Sutton, Chief Nursing Officer, in her statement said “I join in sincerely thanking the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO)/World Health Organization(WHO) for recognizing the contribution of nurses and midwives to the delivery of health care and giving attention to them on “World Health Day 2020”. This speaks volume to the future direction of nursing and midwifery education and practice in the twenty first (21st) century and beyond.  I sincerely thank you our nurses and midwives for your dedication and commitment to your profession and pray that as you continue to care for the needs of others that God will indeed bless and keep you and your families especially at this time. I am indeed honored to lead such a group of dedicated and committed professionals, and pledge to make every effort to represent you to the best of my ability. 




For more information, kindly contact:

Mrs. Jackurlyn Sutton, Chief Nursing Officer,

Nursing and Midwifery Services Unit,

Ministry of Health, Agriculture, Sports and Human Services

Tel. No. (649) 338- 3057; Fax. No. (649) 946- 1681

Photos of Nurses Undertaking Infection Prevention and Control Training in Personal Protective Equipment’s (PPE’s)