Mr. Speaker, I rise in contribution to this historic budget debate, as we face one of the most threatening pandemics to mankind in recent times, and as we chart our way through a period of unprecedented uncertainty which this country has ever faced.

Mr. Speaker, I pause here to join my colleagues in the expression of sentiments of gratitude to the hard working men and women in the Ministry of Health and all doctors, nurses, other health officials, the Royal Turks and Caicos Islands Police Force and all other agencies, who have for months now been on the front line in this fight against the spread of the Novel Coronavirus COVID-19. Your hard work and dedication is not without notice and on behalf of the people of these islands, I say “thank you, you are appreciated.”

Mr. Speaker, we are indeed in unchartered waters, and the challenges that we face are indeed above party, and should be the concern of every member of this Honourable House. Now is the time, Mr. Speaker, to resist the polarity of politics and work together for the common good and health of our nation, the preservation of our economy, and ultimately for the preservation of our brand - Turks and Caicos Islands, so that as we eventually emerge from this side of our current challenges with the majority of our citizens and residents, if not all, in a state of good health, with an economy though bruised, reparable, and with a brand that is still able to attract tourists and investors once again to our shores.

In this regard, Mr. Speaker, I wish to assure the people of these islands, and especially the constituents of Blue Hills, that your Government is leading the way, and as we present this budget, we wish you to note that we do so in the Ministry of Home Affairs, Public Utility and Transportation with the following purposes in mind:

This budget is one that brings stability, this budget is one that improves security, this budget is one that brings reform and this budget is one that ensures prosperity for tomorrow.

Mr. Speaker, let us be clear, there is currently an undeniable disruption in our economy, due to the necessary measures that we as a Government had to put in place in order to best protect our people from the COVID-19 Pandemic. But, Mr. Speaker, this disruption is temporal, and over the years we have proven time and time again, that as a people we are resilient, our economy is also robust and has rebounded from shocks, and we are confident that it will do so again.

However, Mr. Speaker, this period has also given greater clarity in the areas that need to be strengthened and protected, for the long term sustainability and viability of our people and our systems, and that is exactly what this budget intends to deliver.

Mr. Speaker, permit me to pause here to recognize the contribution of some very hard working people who recently departed the Civil Service and my team, former Permanent Secretary Mrs. Clara Gardiner and former Deputy Permanent Secretary, Mr. Russel Cox. Mr. Speaker I wish to publicly thank Mrs. Gardiner and Mr. Cox for their service in Government and to the people of these islands, and I wish them every success in their future endeavors.

In the same token of appreciation Mr. Speaker, I wish to publicly welcome the new Permanent Secretary, Ms. Althea Malcolm Been and Deputy Permanent Secretary, Ms. Michelle Fulford Gardiner, to the ministry. We are pleased to have you join us and we look forward to accomplishing great things together. I offer thanks and appreciation also to the support staff of the ministry, without whom we would not be able to function. Thank you.

Mr. Speaker, in this financial year and on approval of these estimates by this Honorable House, my ministry will have an expenditure envelope of $12.8 million for operations and $2.3 million for capital programs, this projected will bring in some $6.8 million in revenues once completed.



Mr. Speaker, in July 2010, the United Nations General Assembly resolved and recognized the human right to water and sanitation, and further deemed clean drinking water and sanitation to be essential to the realization of all human rights.

Mr. Speaker, we, in the ministry, recognize and acknowledge the challenges that we face here in maintaining reliable and dependable distribution of water. Therefore, to improve the stability and security of water production and distribution in the islands of Grand Turk, Salt Cay and South Caicos, the department of Water Undertaking will receive and estimated increase in operational budget of $326,693 and some $2.5 million dollars in capital allocation. This funding will secure spare parts for the RO Plants, to improve response times for repairs and reduce the time for restoration of services. Additionally, funding will enable the much needed repairs to the critical infrastructure in all islands and will enable the supply and install of a one-million-gallon water storage tank, to improve the storage capabilities and upgrades to the water mains, in year two, which will improve the consistency in the delivery of water to the residents of Grand Turk.

Mr. Speaker, I must say that even in the period of curfew, we continue to face challenges with the vandalism of our water infrastructure, which not only inconveniences the residents and businesses in the community, but also costs Government money for the repairs, money that could be spent otherwise. Mr. Speaker we will be investing in the security of our network, but I wish to acknowledge the work of the Water Undertaking Team who came out, even over a weekend to ensure the repairs to the water mains in Grand Turk, and the restoration of services to the communities.  Mr. Speaker, the Ministry in collaboration with the Water & Sewerage Board, will continue its efforts toward the development of its legal regulatory provisions, thereby ensuring long-term viability and sustainability of public and private water supply and sewerage services across the Turks & Caicos.

Mr. Speaker, in March of this year, there was awarded, the contract for the Consultancy work towards the establishment of a Multi-Sector Public Utility Regulatory Agency, which will advise the Government on the necessary steps and recommended legal frameworks that are required for the establishment of such an agency. Further Mr. Speaker, there is allocated some $350,000, in the ministry, for the commencement of the establishment of the multi-sector agency, which we envisage will commence in the third quarter, and after the completion of the consultancy. This agency, Mr. Speaker, will have regulatory oversight for the water, energy, petroleum and telecommunications sectors of the TCI.

Mr. Speaker, as we continue to strengthen the work of the Nation’s Station, Radio Turks and Caicos, and with an envelope of some $658,000, we will be undertaking a rebranding of the station, and a review of its programs, to ensure that every resident and visitor of these islands have uninterrupted access to the station, on every island, and that the content aired is relevant, appropriate and engaging for all intended listeners. Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to say that, very recently, we successfully filled the post of Sales and Marketing Officer, who will be instrumental in improving the overall sales of the station and who will explore additional sources of revenue streams, to improve the profitability of the operations.

Mr. Speaker I also wish to thank the team at RTC, who continues to provide coverage of critical broadcasts, such as the House of Assembly and the many press conferences in relation to COVID-19.



Mr. Speaker, the Turks and Caicos Islands, under this Government, recently embarked on a National Security Strategy for the safety and security of all residents and the growth and prosperity of our people.

Mr. Speaker, hand and hand with any strategy for security, is the security of communication and postal services, and therefore Mr. Speaker, with an allocation of over $600,000, the Department of Postal Services will be seeking to review the security measures in the treatment of inbound and outbound mail, to ensure that the highest standards are being employed. Further, there will be advanced collaboration with regional partners, and the Attorney General’s Chambers, for a comprehensive review of the Stamps Contract, to ensure that there is on-going capabilities and access to mailing services in the Turks and Caicos Islands.

Mr. Speaker, I wish to commend the team at Postal Services for the work that they already do in securing mail and mitigating against the activities of illegal imports and exports through TCI Postal Services. This work will become more efficient, as we will also be seeking to improve service standards, through the introduction of mail tracking services and to improve revenues, through partnership with well-known and dependable merchant and logistical giants such as Amazon.

Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to once again acknowledge the establishment of the Domestic Fire Service in Grand Turk and the arrival of the long-awaited Fire Truck and equipment. Mr. Speaker, even as we await the formal training of the new firemen, we are pleased to commend them on their efforts in keeping the community of Grand Turk safe, through fighting fires, thus far. Mr. Speaker, I pause here to thank the Fire Service of the Airports Authority, for their assistance in filling the gap throughout the years, as well as the residents who make up the brave and dedicated volunteers that we critically depend on. Thank you for your unerring support and contribution.

Mr. Speaker, while we acknowledge the critical need for the construction of the Fire Halls, in Grand Turk and Providenciales, this presence on Grand Turk is a start and a critical step towards securing the safety of the residents and businesses of this community.

Mr. Speaker, during this financial year, and with a budget of some $900,000, the Department of Domestic Fire Services, supported by the ministry, will engage with regional and international partners, to undertake a comprehensive review of the structure and operations, with the aim of presenting a proposal for the development of Domestic Fire Services in the Turks and Caicos Islands, over the next three to five years. Mr. Speaker, we recognize the importance of fire service emergency response management standards, in keeping pace with development in the TCI.

Mr. Speaker, the Department of Road Safety remains the largest revenue earner for the ministry, accounting for over 80 percent of the ministry’s earnings for financial year 2019/2020. I pause to congratulate the members of the Road Safety Department, on them being sworn in as Special Constables, to assist the Police on the front line, in the fight against the mitigation and spread of COVID-19. Well done team!

Mr. Speaker, as we continue the work on the replacement of vehicles license plates, we give pause to acknowledge to the general public, that we are working assiduously to reduce the timeframe for the production and delivery of plates, and implore persons in the public, who have been called to collect plates, to please do so. The department remained challenged for space and staff, however Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to note the allocation of five new officers in this budget, as well as the provision for furniture, to facilitate the move, in coming months, to the newly renovated Sammy Been Plaza, on Airport Road Providenciales and to Ludwina Fulford’s Building in Grand Turk, in coming weeks.

Mr. Speaker, the Department of Road Safety will commence the consultation for the introduction of a comprehensive database, in collaboration with the Royal Turks and Caicos Islands Police Force and the Ministry of Immigration, Citizenship, Labour and Employment Services. This database, once realized, will give real time support to the Police, and Immigration counterparts, on data relevant to motorists in the islands and will greatly improve the delivery of services and the customer experience, when engaging with the department.

In the fulfillment of its mandate to maintain order and the free flow of traffic at the airports, there will be an increased presence at the Providenciales International Airport, to ensure compliance with the law and to improve the visitor experience.

Mr. Speaker, early in this new financial year, the department, supported by the ministry, will undertake the development of a comprehensive proposal for the reformation of the transportation sector, and the establishment of a Public Transport Authority, which will be presented to the Cabinet, and that will see the reduction in the existence and operation of illegal jitney. This will be a collaborative effort, undertaken with the Police and the Joint Law Enforcement Team. It is anticipated that this will also see proposed regulation of car dealerships, and the promotion of Community Cabs and Mini Bus Services, among other things.

Mr. Speaker as we continue the work in this sector to improve the overall safety and security of motorists, the department of Road Safety, in collaboration with the Police, will continue to identify key locations for the erection of critical street and traffic signs, and will further its collaboration with the Miami Beach Police Department, for the exploration, and identification, of areas for the eventual installation of traffic lights and pedestrian crossings, aimed at easing congestion and improving the flow of traffic and the safety of motorists, especially in the island of Providenciales.



Mr. Speaker, while we work to implement new initiatives throughout the ministry, it is equally necessary for us to consider institutions that either require reform or who have as key to their mandates, the delivery of reform.

Mr. Speaker, the key focus of the Prison’s budget this year, is the repair and restoration of facilities, the support for the Chance for Change Program and the reintroduction of the Rehabilitation and skills building programs. These programs will assist inmates in preparing for reentry into society, by providing them with skills that can contribute to their livelihood, and their stability, as contributing citizens in our communities, which would also further reduce the probability for recurrence of offences.

Mr. Speaker, in recent months, much has been done to strengthen and improve the management of the Prison, and I wish to pause to thank and recognize the Prison Superintendent, his management team and all of the staff for the hard work and dedication that they continuously produce. While the system is not perfect, and not many systems are, this is a work in progress, but we have come a long way in restoring order to the Prison. I wish to also thank the Police Force, and the Governor’s Office, for the support that they render to the Prison, and I wish to encourage them in continuing the collaborative work that has begun.

Mr. Speaker, to further support the management team, there will be funding for two additional Senior Prison Officer posts, as well as the arrival of the long awaited Staff Training Manager, who will deliver on the much needed training program, in order to improve talents, hone skills and boost confidence of Officers, in the daily execution of their duties.

Mr. Speaker, construction and repairs to the buildings and facilities of the Prison will continue, and further there will be undertaken a consultancy, for the redevelopment of Her Majesty’s Prison, which seeks to provide a safe environment, conducive to the complete rehabilitation of inmates and the improvement in the safety of our communities.

Mr. Speaker, there will be overall improvements to the security of the prison, through the introduction of surveillance equipment, and the introduction of precise methods of mitigating disorder in the Prison. In addition to the installation of perimeter lighting and CCTV surveillance and equipment, I am pleased to announce that the contract for the much talked about cellphone jammers has been signed, and equipment will be installed on emergence out of the curfew.

Mr. Speaker, the outstanding work of the Telecommunications Commission continues, and in fulfillment of its mandate to ensure access to quality telecommunication services at reasonable rates in a fully competitive market, they will be undertaking several initiatives in the FY 2020/2021.

Mr. Speaker, the Commission will conduct a Dominance Study inclusive of Interconnection rates, that will seek to assure the most competitive rates, and lowered cost, on domestic voice calls for consumers. There will be a consultation on the introduction of Number Portability, to allow stakeholder feedback on this desired initiative. If introduced, Number Portability will afford consumers the convenience of retaining their numbers when switching service providers. Further, consultations will also be undertaken for the development of a National Policy for Telecommunication Service Providers in Response to Disaster Management, which will inform how service providers are intended to operate before, during and post disasters, to ensure equity in the market. Further, to ensure viability of the market, there will also be extensive consultations on the Fee Structure Regulations, with the aim of reviewing telecommunications and spectrum license fees for the Turks and Caicos Islands.

Mr. Speaker, I again pause, this time to formally congratulate Mr. Kenva Williams, who was recently contracted as the Director General of the Commission, and to welcome the new Finance Officer, Mr. Romard Palmer and in-house Legal Advisor, Mr. Wilbert Harvey. I wish them every success.

Mr. Speaker, our team at the Central Purchasing Unit continues to support and facilitate the various procurement needs of the ministries and departments, throughout Government, as the principle source of supplies for the distribution to Government Offices.

With a budget of over $900,000 Mr. Speaker, in support and facilitation of its mandate, and as the presence of Government Central continues to expand in Providenciales, the department will undertake a review, and put forth a proposal, for the expansion of a logistics center in Providenciales, that would better facilitate Government Offices in the Caicos Islands. This proposal will encompass the need for development and expansion of the human resource, as well as the establishment of a warehouse in Providenciales.

Mr. Speaker, often times, we don’t always readily understand or appreciate the work that is done behind the scenes, but we must say thank you, to the team at CPU and the Ministry of Finance, for securing additional disinfecting and antibacterial supplies, to facilitate the needs of front line officers such as the Police, in this fight against the spread of COVID-19. Thank you Mr. Williams and team.

Mr. Speaker, the Turks and Caicos Islands Government Publishing Department, despite its limited resources, continues to press on in the production of the Gazette, the Budget Books and other critical publications for all of Government. Mr. Speaker, there remains in the department, a great deal of untapped potential for development in the areas of printing and design. However, Mr. Speaker, this factor, as well as the need for urgent investment in modernized equipment and the promotion of services, has not stalled the work and innovation of the staff, as they have continued to advance their capabilities, in the production of Foil Printing of Invitations and other stationery, in addition to the printing of memorabilia items, such as mugs and other keepsakes.

Again, Mr. Speaker, I acknowledge the work of the Publishing Team, who has supported the Cabinet tremendously, in the publishing of the many Gazettes, which gave notice to Emergency Powers COVID-19 Regulations and other critical work. Thank you for your support and contribution.



Mr. Speaker, John Adams, founding father and 2nd President of the United States, asserted that we, as legislators, have an awesome responsibility to preserve the future, by bringing into force the laws that will support growth, provide opportunities and secure the future, for generations to come.

Mr. Speaker, during the upcoming year, my ministry will be hard at work proposing amendments to legislations, that will seek to do just that.

The Ministry will undertake a review of the regulatory framework, and reformation of the utilities sector of the TCI and further, continues to push initiatives that will see a steady divergence towards renewable energy.

Mr. Speaker, in order to contribute to the diversification of the economy and its dependency on tourism, We will implement a Petroleum Ordinance, that will guide the activities of exploration and exploitation for oil in the territorial waters of the Turks and Caicos Islands. This sector will be regulated by the Multi-Sector Public Utilities Regulatory Agency, which will ensure that standard operating procedures are in place to guide proper operation of exploratory activities.

Mr. Speaker, the ministry will bring forth proposed amendments to the Electricity Ordinance, that will support the implementation and development of renewable energy, with a strategic focus on revenue generation and the liberalization of the energy sector.

Mr. Speaker, the Department of Water Undertaking, will work to improve the reliability and efficiency of the water distribution in the islands, by proposing amendments to the Water and Sewerage Ordinance, that will regulate Government’s activities in the distribution of water.

Mr. Speaker, in closing I turn my attention to my constituency of Blue Hills. Mr. Speaker, last year’s budget saw the approval of a few road projects for the constituency of Blue Hills. These roads and projects in Snake Hill subdivision, Tumpa Ave., Madeira Lane and the Blue Hills Bay Road side-walk. Mr. Speaker, so far the Tumpa Ave. is completed and the other road projects will continue as soon as the curfew is lifted. Mr. Speaker, in this year’s Budget the constituency of Blue Hills will see the cleanup and Beautification of Bay Road and the creation of the first phase of the Blue Hills Craft Market, and Mr. Speaker, the Blue Hills Master Plan will be completed and approve in early September of this year. Mr. Speaker, this will put Blue Hills into a category of its own, “Poise and ready for a Development Boom”.

Thank you Mr. Speaker, and God Bless these Turks and Caicos Islands.