Consultation on Petroleum (Exploration & Exploitation) Bill 2020



Press Release


Consultation on Petroleum (Exploration & Exploitation) Bill 2020


The Ministry of Home Affairs, Public Utilities & Transport, Department of Energy & Utilities is pleased to announce a two-week on-line consultation commencing today 1st October to 14th October, 2020 on the newly established Petroleum (Exploration & Exploitation) Bill 2020.


With increase interests shown by developers on procedures for acquiring permission &/or licensing to conduct reconnaissance testing and analysis for possible petroleum deposits in the Turks and Caicos Islands (TCI) over the years, and given the absence of relevant policies and legislation related to permitting and licensing for the assessment, exploration, extraction and production of petroleum; in the Energy and Utilities Department  with the assistance of the Ministries of Infrastructure, Housing and Planning & Home Affairs, Public Utilities & Transportation, began and completed the process of developing relevant policy and legislation to guide and regulate all upstream activities related to oil and gas. We have through further assistance of experts in the field collated a comprehensive Bill.  We are now soliciting the support of as broad a stakeholder participation as possible to add to the value of this Bill.


Like all major legislation, the process of completion requires structured input from its stakeholder groups to provide their views on the various provisions detailed, such as safety, research & development, environmental considerations, standards, penalties, permitting, etc.  The on-line consultation will further seek comments on the framework established to oversee and ensure safety and compliance to industry standards and practices. 


In addition to the two-week on-line consultation, we will coordinate Focus Group meetings with core stakeholders in the petroleum sector via virtual platforms.


Hon. Goldray Ewing, Minister responsible for the Energy & Utilities Department, stated, “I am elated to see this Bill advance to the consultative phase, as it will seek to standardize procedures for research & development, whilst affording opportunities for stimulating economic growth & investment in this untapped sector.”


We are encouraging you, the general public, to participate and provide your input. 

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You can also access the on-line consultation via the Turks & Caicos Islands Government Portal at