DECR and JNCC conduct assessment of Queen Conch populations in TCI





DECR and JNCC conduct assessment of Queen Conch populations in TCI 


The Turks and Caicos Islands (TCI) have commercially fished for Caribbean spiny lobster, Queen conch and various fin fish species as source of protein and income.  The Lobatus gigas, Queen conch continues to be one of the two major economically important fisheries for the Turks and Caicos Islands.  However, throughout the Caribbean region, the Queen conch has been declining in abundance.  The TCI is not immune to the limitations of the species and has therefore been taking steps to evaluate the population of the Queen conch in the TCI. 


The Department of Environment and Coastal Resources (DECR) has been conducting a piloted visual assessment of the Queen conch on the Caicos Bank to assist in determining the current status of the species in the TCI.  Additionally, the Department in collaboration with the Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC), has submitted a proposal for additional funding to continue an assessment to obtain more abundance information, local consumption patterns, biological data and trade restrictions specific to the Queen conch.