The Department of Trade, Industry and Consumer Affairs wishes to invite consumers and businesses to review the rights afforded to consumers and the obligations imposed on businesses under the Consumer Protection Ordinance 2016. A copy of the Ordinance is available at
The Ordinance was passed by the House of Assembly in 2016 and was subsequently amended and entered into force on 24 February 2020. The objective of the Ordinance is to make provision for the protection of consumer interests in relation to the supply of goods and services. The Department is therefore tasked with ensuring the rights of consumers, fair trade, competition and the dissemination of accurate information in the marketplace. It should be noted that the Department has no power to regulate the prices at which goods or services are sold in the Turks and Caicos Islands. However, persons who have been adversely affected in relation to the purchase of goods or services may submit a complaint to the Department of Trade, Industry and Consumer Affairs.
The complaint should be submitted using the Consumer Complaints Form accessible on our website at For further information please feel free to contact Ms. Donisha Williams, Consumer Officer at the Department of Trade, Industry and Consumer Affairs on